2024-2025 graduate calendar

For all academic deadlines please refer to the Office of the Registrar’s academic calendar or the Graduate College’s academic deadlines.

Dates/information subject to change.

FALL 2024











Ceramics – All Ceramics Grads: Room W221 VAB (Note: Ceramics Orientations are on multiple days.)
9:00 am – Noon: Introductions, general studio orientation: Materials, equipment, intro to kilns, safety procedures, grad studio procedures
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)
1:00 – 2:00 pm: Yearly plan/dates, visiting artists, trips, monthly meetings, workshops, etc.
2:00 – 4:00 pm: Group visit to the Stanley Museum and campus art walk

Graphic Design
9:00 – 10:00 am All GD graduates meet with the GD Specialist, Room E140 VAB
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)

Painting and Drawing
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)

9:00 – 10:00 am all graduates meet with Kate in Room W109 VAB
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)

Woodshop (Room W147 VAB)

8:00 – 9:00 am Open studio: anyone with questions about prototyping & CNC equipment access or just wants to visit the facilities
feel free to see Adam.  (This is scheduled for both Mon & Tues.)



Ceramics – All Ceramics Grads: Room W221 VAB 
9:00 am – Noon: Kiln operation continued, clay mixing instruction
1:00 – 3:00 pm: SAAHD organizational info, admin, advising, galleries, studio access to other areas
5:00 pm: George’s for cheeseburgers/cheese sandwiches


3D Design
9:00 – 11:00 am: all 3D Design graduates and Kate in Room E236 VAB
Must attend the Woodshop Orientation with Adam at 2:00 pm ON FRIDAY (see Friday’s schedule)

Jewelry and Metal Arts
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam (see below)

Painting and Drawing
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)

9:00 – 10:00 am: All print grads meet with Alison in Room E440 VAB
May attend open studio in the Woodshop with Adam 8:00 – 9:00 am (see below)

Sculpture and Intermedia
9:00 am – 10:00 am, Room W251 VAB: All Sculpture and Intermedia grads meet with Brant and Billy
Must attend the Woodshop Orientation with Adam at 2:00 pm ON FRIDAY (see Friday’s schedule)


Woodshop (Room W147 VAB)

8:00 – 9:00 am Open studio: anyone with questions about prototyping & CNC equipment access or just wants to visit the facilities
feel free to see Adam.  (This is scheduled for both Mon & Tues.)



Graduate College (ALL new students and any interested current students):
10:00 am – 2:30 pm via ZOOM (you must register to get ZOOM links) and
4:00 – 6:00 pm (see links below):


Schedule: https://grad.uiowa.edu/graduate-college-orientation-schedule
(Check back as information seems to be added periodically.)




Center for Teaching New TA Orientation for ALL new TA’s: 9am – noon via ZOOM
Register Online here by 5pm on 8/21:  https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6XSKNg7iYoamDnU 

SAAHD Graduate Student Orientation: 1:00 – 2:30 am – Room 240 ABW - Mandatory


ALL New TA’s – I-9 paperwork: Please go to 3 SH between 2:30 – 4:00 to take care of the paperwork, if you’ve not already seen
an HR Representative.
MAP for Schaeffer Hall (SH): https://maps.uiowa.edu/?id=1890#!ce/57302?ct/51247?m/579292?s/


Ceramics – All Ceramics Grads (Note: Ceramics Orientations are on multiple days.)
5:00 pm: Cooper Upchurch Annual Ceramics Disc Golf Outing (weather permitting)

August 23rd

Art TA Orientations:

3D Design – Room E236 VAB
8:00  9:00 am: all 3D Design graduates and faculty
9:00  11:30 am: Design Fundamentals TA’s, Vako, Suzanne and Monica
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: 3D Design TA’s, Vako and Monica
2:00 pm  4:00: meet with Adam (MANDATORY Woodshop schedule, see below)

Ceramics – Room W221 VAB
9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Ceramics TA/teaching orientation, syllabi review, classroom usage, equipment and kilns with students, etc.
2:00 pm continued: ICON/Canvas for Ceramics classes, teaching observation process
5:00 pm: Big Grove Brewery celebration

Graphic Design – Room 340 ABW
11:00 am All Graphic Design TA’s
May attend mandatory Woodshop Orientation with Adam (see below)

Jewelry and Metal Arts – Room W350 VAB
9:30 am all Jewelry and Metal Arts TA’s meet with Steve and Bethany
May attend mandatory Woodshop Orientation with Adam (see below)

Painting and Drawing
9:00 am all Elements of Art AND Basic Drawing TA’s meet with Ali Hval in Room W305 VAB
11:00 am All Painting/Drawing grads and faculty meet with T.J. Room W305 VAB
May attend mandatory Woodshop Orientation with Adam (see below)

Photography – Room W109 VAB
10:00 am all graduates, faculty and staff meet
May attend mandatory Woodshop Orientation with Adam (see below)

Printmaking – Room E440 VAB
11:00 am, All Print TA’s, Supervisors and Specialist
May attend mandatory Woodshop Orientation with Adam (see below)

Sculpture and Intermedia – Room E205 VAB
11:00 am: All Sculpture and Intermedia TA’s meet 
2:00 pm  4:00: meet with Adam (MANDATORY Woodshop schedule below)


Lunch Break 1:00 – 2:00 pm – VAB Atrium (If you RSVP’d your lunch box will be there)


Woodshop Orientation 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Room W147 VAB

Mandatory orientation for all instructors (TA and faculty) using the Woodshop as part of their course instruction where their students will be required to use the Woodshop as part of that course requirement. This is a 2-part Orientation (the 2nd part covers CNC Router Instruction) and this first part is only offered on this day. The 2nd part will be offered the next week. The training sessions are offered once annually. If you’re only going to be using the wood shop for the purposes of a demo (students will not be working in the shop) you won’t need this Orientation. (See the one listed for either Monday, August 14th or Tuesday, August 15th above.) Woodshop as part of their course instruction where their students will be required to use the Woodshop as part of that course requirement. This is a 2-part Orientation (the 2nd part covers CNC Router Instruction) and this first part is only offered on this day. The 2nd part will be offered the next week. The training sessions are offered once annually. If you’re only going to be using the wood shop for the purposes of a demo (students will not be working in the shop) you won’t need this Orientation. (See the one listed for either Monday, August 14th or Tuesday, August 15th above.)

August - October New TA’s must complete Harassment Prevention training to keep assistantship.
August 26stOpening of Classes
University Holiday - No classes, all offices closed
September 6th

CNC Laser cutter and plasma cutter orientation 2:30  5:00 pm.

This will cover teaching expectations for the CNC Laser.

These training sessions are required for anyone that will be instructing students on use of this equipment where the students will be required to use the equipment. However, any graduate student or faculty member is welcome to join. These sessions are not hands on training (if that is required, it can be offered at a later time) but do cover a lot of useful information. These sessions are offered so that we can document to the university that instructors have been given the knowledge required to teach students how to safely access our equipment. Individuals are still required to gain proficiency with these pieces of equipment on their own time. I am happy to work one-on-one with any instructors that feel the need to improve their proficiency on the equipment.

September 13th

CNC router orientation 1:30 – 5:00 pm,

This will cover teaching expectations for the CNC router.

These training sessions are required for anyone that will be instructing students on use of this equipment where the students will be required to use the equipment. However, any graduate student or faculty member is welcome to join. These sessions are not hands on training (if that is required, it can be offered at a later time) but do cover a lot of useful information. These sessions are offered so that we can document to the university that instructors have been given the knowledge required to teach students how to safely access our equipment. Individuals are still required to gain proficiency with these pieces of equipment on their own time. I am happy to work one-on-one with any instructors that feel the need to improve their proficiency on the equipment.

OctGallery Bookings for spring – WAIT for the e-mail for instructions.
November 24th - December 1stFall Break
28rd - 29th
University Holiday: No classes, all offices closed.
Classes resume
Close of Classes
19th - 22nd
Commencement ceremonies begin.
   See: https://commencement.uiowa.edu/ for commencement ceremony information.
24th - 25th
University Holiday: All offices closed.
University Holiday: All offices closed.


Spring 2025

University Holiday: All offices closed.
Opening of Classes
16th - 23rd
Spring Break
Classes resume
AprilGallery Bookings for summer and fall – WAIT for e-mail instructions.
Close of Classes
15th - 18th
Commencement ceremonies
   See: here for commencement ceremony information.