The jewelry and metal arts graduate program consists of a two-year MA degree, with an additional third year to complete their MFA.

All graduate students undergo an MA review in their second year to determine if they will be invited to return for a third year to complete their MFA coursework. Graduate students are asked to select a secondary emphasis area that encourages them to expand their understanding of artmaking and helps to develop relationships with students and faculty in other disciplines.

Incoming graduate students meeting all requirements will be offered a TA position teaching a beginning-level jewelry and metal arts class. Each TA position will be renewed each year and grants a full tuition scholarship and monthly stipend. Graduate students may also be given the opportunity to work as studio monitors, allowing for further useful professional experience and meaningful contributions to the UI metal arts community. Additional scholarships are available through the School of Art, Art History, and Design, and department-specific funding for travel and advanced projects may be applied for through a written proposal.

All jewelry and metal arts graduate students are granted a space in the MFA studio. This secured workspace has 7 individual stations that include jeweler’s benches with flex-shafts, work desks, and personal storage. The space also includes two soldering stations with ventilation, a utility sink, and a collection of community tools. The large windows and abundant natural light make this an ideal workspace that facilitates individual research in a shared-resource setting.

Our state-of-the-art facility is well-equipped to accommodate diverse directions of student work in both traditional and advanced techniques. It encompasses a 250-gallon electroforming tank, 130-gallon aluminum anodization unit, and a wide variety of tools for both large and small scale mixed media projects. Access is also provided to our advanced prototyping suite which includes an industrial CNC mill, lathe, laser cutter, and plasma cutter. Our new facility is well-ventilated and organized for safe and efficient operation. For more information about our facility, please see our program overview here.

MFA students are challenged to refine a variety of traditional, contemporary, and innovative metalworking techniques to produce high-quality professional portfolios. We encourage collaboration and interdepartmental exploration, allowing students to find their voice in our field. Outstanding works of our alumni have been acquired by major museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Art and Design, and the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.

Jewelry and metal arts faculty

Jewelry and Metal Arts faculty

black and white image of Lonna Huisingh (Keller)

Lonna Huisingh (Keller)

Visiting Assistant Professor
Portrait of Steve McGuire

Steve McGuire

Area Head, Jewelry and Metal Arts

Jewelry and metal arts studio specialist

Bethany Wood-Hebert

Bethany Wood-Hebert

Instructional Services Specialist