Aaron Wang

Graduate Student

Aaron Wang is a PhD student with a focus on nineteenth-century French and German art. He received his BA in Sociology from the University of Nebraska, Omaha and his MA in Art History from the University of Iowa. For his doctoral dissertation, he is interested in how French and German caricatures around the Franco-Prussian War reflected and propelled the rise of nationalism and the legitimization of violence. Previously, he focused on French Romanticism during his master studies; his MA qualifying paper, "The Death of Sardanapalus as a Manifesto of Romantic Imagination," explores Delacroix's intentions behind Sardanapalus by examining its spatial and narrative inconsistencies and its iconographical breach with academic conventions.

Research interests

  • Nineteenth-Century French and German Art
Research areas
  • Art history
Aaron Wang
MA, University of Iowa
BA, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Contact Information

University of Iowa
118 Art Building West (ABW)
141 North Riverside Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States