Tina Zhen Zhang

Graduate Student

Tina Zhen Zhang is a first-year PhD student specializing in Chinese art history. She received her BA and MA from Southeast University (Nanjing, China) and a second MA from the University of Iowa. Her MA qualifying paper, “Reconstructing Southern Song Art History in the Qing Dynasty: Li E and his Catalog of Southern Song Academy Painting,” is a case study on the historical art catalog Nansong yuanhua lu and critically examines the reception history of Southern Song academy painting (from around the 12th to 13th century) in the 18th century. Her research interests include but are not limited to Ming-Qing art, pre-modern art theory and painting catalogs.

Research Interests

  • Chinese art history
Research areas
  • Art history
Portrait of Tina Zhen Zhang
MA, University of Iowa
MA, Southeast University (Nanjing, China)
BA, Southeast University (Nanjing, China)