
Tony Sutowski

Tony Sutowski

Instructional Services Specialist
Tony Sutowski is an Instructional Services Specialist in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
This is a picture of Jeremy Swanston

Jeremy Swanston

Associate Professor
Area Head, Graphic Design
Director of Graduate Studies, Studio Arts
Jeremy Swanston is an Associate Professor in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Reynold (Rey) Tawiah-Quashie

Reynold (Rey) Tawiah-Quashie

Graduate Student
Reynold (Rey) Tawiah-Quashie is a graduate student at the University of Iowa's School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Jack Taylor

Jack Taylor

Graduate Student
Portrait of Downing Thomas

Downing Thomas

Director (interim)
Professor, Department of French & Italian
Downing Thomas is Interim Director for the School of Art, Art History, and Design and Professor at the University of Iowa.
Portrait of Geoffrey Thomas

Geoffrey Thomas

Graduate Student
Geoffrey Thomas is a PhD student interested in modern French art at the University of Iowa's School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Kurt Tomerlin

Kurt Tomerlin

Graduate Student
Kurt Tomerlin is a graduate student of the School of Art, Art History, and Design at the University of Iowa.
Benj Upchurch

Benj Upchurch

Instructional Services Specialist
Benj Upchurch is an Instructional Services Specialist in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Josh Van Stippen

Josh Van Stippen

Associate Professor of Instruction
Josh Van Stippen is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Portrait of Monica Vree

Monica Vree

Graduate Student
Monica Vree is a PhD student specializing in Gothic architecture at the University of Iowa's School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Aaron Wang

Aaron Wang

Graduate Student
Aaron Wang is a PhD student with a focus on nineteenth-century French and German art at the University of Iowa's School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Shelby Welte

Shelby Welte

Graduate Student
Susan Chrysler White

Susan Chrysler White

Professor Emerita
Susan Chrysler White is a Professor Emerita at the University of Iowa.
This is Jon Winet

Jon Winet

Professor Emeritus
Jon Winet is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Iowa.
Lauren Woessner

Lauren Woessner

Graduate Student
Bethany Wood-Hebert

Bethany Wood-Hebert

Instructional Services Specialist
Bethany Wood-Hebert is an Instructional Services Specialist in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Suzanne Wright

Suzanne Wright

Assistant Professor
Suzanne Wright is an Assistant Professor of painting and drawing in the School of Art, Art History, and Design.
Portrait of Siyun Xue

Siyun Xue

Graduate Student
Siyun Xue is a graduate student of the School of Art, Art History, and Design at the University of Iowa.
This is a picture of Kee-ho Yuen

Kee-ho Yuen

Professor Emeritus
Kee-ho Yuen is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Iowa.
Portrait of Tina Zhen Zhang

Tina Zhen Zhang

Graduate Student
Tina Zhen Zhang is PhD student specializing in Chinese art history at the University of Iowa's School of Art, Art History, and Design.